Salim Ben Khaled

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About Me

Hello, I'm Mohamed Salim Ben Khaled. I live in Edmonton, Canada. I graduated from the University of Alberta from the Computer Engineering program in 2017. I've been an android dev for 4 years.
My hobbies are MMA, Weight Lifting, Basketball, Video Games, and Programming.

Most of the projects I've worked on professionally are android apps. Biggest apps includes solo developing a taxi app like uber, and a delivery app. I've also worked on an advertisement media platform, which includes the frontend android applications, as well as the python backend and cakephp front end website.

I have dont many group projects in school. One of the group projects that I have done in the past are a trading app for android where users can track trading card collection and also offer to trade cards. Another project was to build an app for Google's prototype Tango device that would take advantage of its enhanced spatial awareness. The augmented reality app places virtual sphere on a surface in the room that you tapped. The sphere would then go to your position as long as you were not looking at the sphere. I've also done a capstone project using the Altera DE2-115 Development board. Using the microcontroller, we tried to download a schedule from the internet that would then display that picture to a monitor.

Currently, I'm working on this learning web dev with react, new android libraries like Dagger Hilt and Compose views, and making a video game in Godot with friends. Once thats done I'll post info and pictures on the website, until then check out the alt github link below. You can check out my current work in the links below.

2D Brawler Game

My Unity Game Picture

After going through the Unity tutorials, I decided to make my own game. Its a very basic platformer/action game. The object is to try and kill as many skeletons without getting hit. I've added platforms to allow the player more easily escape from the enemies. Below are the sprites that I have created for the game. You can check out the game in Github.

Creating the assets for the game took a longer period of time than estimated, especially since I don't have any experience in artwork. The hardest part is trying to create the animations for the sprites. This is why I chose 32x32 size for the sprites to decrease the difficulty in creating them.

Future work for the brawler game is to improve the UI for the game. I will be adding a kill counter as well as a health bar for the player. In addition I will be adding on screen controls for a mobile version of the game.

Game Log Site

The project contains multiple parts. A webscraper to take info from the the darksouls wiki site, and parse info into a database.
A server to host the APIs that contains info for front end apps. And final piece is an Android App to communicate with server and show the info.

You can see these projects in my github. In the future, I might make a react site to display the info.